Polysorbate 80 (Twin 80)

Product Features

Company: CRODA Singapore

Suitable emulsifier in food industry

Direct importer: TubaNegin Company

IRC from the Food and Drug Administration

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Polysorbate is widely used as an emulsifier in the food industry and as a surfactant in soaps, cosmetics or mouthwashes, but its purity is much lower in these cases than in the food industry. Lotions, vitamin oils, shampoos and skin cleansers contain polysorbate.

It is used to absorb or dilute a drug. It also stabilizes aqueous formulations for intravenous injection and is used as an emulsifier as well as estrogenic drugs.

It combines some ice creams and other puddings to maintain its creamy texture without separation and it is also suitable for bulk foods.

Polysorbate can also be used in vitamins and supplements andin the pharmaceutical industry to improve and maintain the consistency of gel capsules; Assist in keeping the drug exposed to the liquid; In the preparation of intravenous fluids; It is used as an ingredient in tablets and in the production of vaccines

It should be noted that the flu vaccine contains 25 micrograms of polysorbate per dose.

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